Busy as Ever

We are busy as ever at BCS...

feeding kids...

 sharing skills...
 connecting with families...
playing outdoors!
Since my long-ago last post we've been busy. We've worked with Hunger Free VT,  hosting the creators of the blog Facing Hunger In America for a visit to learn about our program. They wrote about us in a great post here.

We're organizing our first (annual!?) BCS 5k Fun Run! It's coming up on May 5th, at our beautiful and beloved Intervale.  We wanted to hold a fundraising event that would speak to our commitment to healthy kids and families, so Sarah and I have been working under the direction of an incredible team of parent and Board volunteers on this first-time event, and it's going to be great. We couldn't be more excited about the location, the Intervale trail. It's such a special place to Burlington residents, and our children and teachers who spend lots of time there exploring, playing, and caring for nature. It's a big part of our program and we're so happy to be able to run there. The staff and families are excited and ready to run! We've had some great community support and, so far, it looks like the weather will be perfect! Wish us luck, and if you're in the area please come run with us, or cheer us on!

We are excited that Burlington will host  the 6th national Farm to Cafeteria conference in August! Sarah and I both hope to attend. From the website:

Farm to Cafeteria began with the common goal of building strong communities, healthy individuals and resilient local farms. Across the country great progress has been made connecting farm-fresh foods with K-12 schools, pre-schools, childcare settings, colleges, universities, hospitals, prisons and beyond – now we are Digging In!

We are also hoping to become a stop on the tour of Burlington that we hear will be offered as part of the conference. I'll keep you posted!

Finally, we hosted a Spring family dinner out on the playground last week, and our new sandbox was put to good use. We served cold sesame noodles, curry quinoa salad with carrots, scallions, and raisins, and a green salad. The evening was breezy and beautiful and the turnout was incredible. Here are a few more pics. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed the Spring family supper. Thanks for feeding our kids such good food!!
